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Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Cyber Single Reed Academy

Dr. Jun Qian




Junior Clarinet Virtuosi Workshop

Middle School 
music explorers, 

Band leaders,



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  1. Helping middle school students to gain a solid musical foundation, learn discipline
  2. Explore the love of the music, have confidence in their abilities
  3.  Strive to improve, and become strong clarinet, performer for their school programs.
  4. Helping students who might have ADD and ADHD symptoms to focus more on school through their music training.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023   

9:00 am-4:45 pm      



3420 Fairfield Lane, Highland Village, TX 75077



1. Receive six hours of elite training from Dr. Qian

2. Focus on individual musical growth

3. Hands-on training for perfection and refinements

4. Meet motivated players in the area and learn from each other

5. Have a fun potluck party and pool time during lunchtime. 

( Parents and family members are welcome!) 








Schedule on Wednesday, July 19

8:30: On Site Check in and Registration  starts


9-10:15:  Fundamental Training I:  Breathing and Embouchure 


10:15:  Break


10:30- 11:00. Reeds Adjustments; Mouthpieces; Knowing your instrument


​11:00- 11:45:  Fundamental Training II: Developing and refining basic techniques 


11:45-1:00: Lunch Break (Potluck Style); Try out the Legere Reeds and Selmer Paris Professional Clarinets; Swimming Pool is also available for relaxation

1:00-2:00: Fun sight read projects and bring your own music to share with everyone


2:00-2:15: Break


2:15- 3:15:  Fundamental Training III:  Developing  advanced techniques 


3:15-3:30: Break


3:30-4:30: Masterclass on individual solos and performance anxiety issues


4:30 Conclusion


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